It’s become increasingly common for people and brands to engage in virtue signaling – expressing opinions about a particular cause or belief to show how enlightened and socially conscious one is. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with this, it can be easy to get carried away and forget about being genuinely authentic when voicing our thoughts and opinions.
Living authentically means being true to oneself and one’s values, rather than trying to conform to societal expectations or the opinions of others. It means being honest about one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions, and not hiding behind a façade. This is true for individuals and brands, which are a collection of individuals.
To live authentically, one must first have a clear understanding of their own values, beliefs, and priorities. This self-awareness allows individuals to make choices that align with their own personal truth, rather than feeling pressured to conform to societal norms.
It also means being true to oneself in all aspects of life, whether in personal relationships, career choices, or how one spends time and energy. It’s about taking responsibility for one’s happiness and well-being, rather than seeking validation or approval from others.
Living authentically also involves being open to growth and change. As we continue to learn and grow, our beliefs and values may evolve, and it is important to be open to these changes and strive to be true to ourselves.
It also means being honest with oneself, and with others, about who you are, what you stand for, and what you want, even if it means standing alone. It’s about not fearing judgment or rejection and being willing to be vulnerable.
Authenticity brings many personal benefits, including improved self-esteem, a greater sense of purpose, increased creative potential, and stronger relationships with others. When you can truly connect with yourself emotionally, you can experience a deeper level of peace that no external validation could ever match.
On the other hand, virtue signaling focuses primarily on external validation and receiving recognition from others for something we strongly believe in (even if we don’t always do much about it).
While this may seem harmless, it can often lead to concerning and dangerous outcomes. Here are some of the most common dangers associated with virtue signaling:
Ignoring Real Problems
By engaging in virtue signaling, people can avoid addressing real issues that need to be dealt with. Rather than focusing on tangible solutions or taking meaningful action, individuals will instead choose to focus their energy on how they appear to others, which does not bring about real change or progress.
Creating an “Us vs. Them” Mentality
Virtue signaling reinforces an “us vs. them” mentality, with those who do not share the same views being labeled as wrong, bad, or evil. This creates an environment where meaningful dialogue is difficult and ultimately only serves to further divide people into different camps rather than fostering genuine understanding and collaboration between differing perspectives.
Lowering Standards
Virtue signaling sets a low standard for social justice movements by permitting individuals to express their beliefs without actually having to put any work into making positive changes in society. This makes it easy for people to view social justice as more of a trend than something to be taken seriously and practiced diligently – which could ultimately lead to its demise if not kept in check.
Take Action
Rather than simply supporting causes because it’s perceived as the right thing (or cool) to do, we should strive for authenticity over convenience or popularity when talking about our values and beliefs – no matter how unpopular they may be!
The next time you find yourself wanting to engage in virtue signaling, ask yourself these questions:
- Am I speaking from a genuine place, or do I just want attention or to go along with the crowd?
- Is this something I truly feel passionate about?
- Will sharing my opinion help move the conversation forward?
These are essential questions to consider because, ultimately, authentic expression has far more value than simply trying to get short-lived social media likes or attention.
Also, check out this article from Psychology Today titled The Paradox of Virtue Signaling.